摘 要:以 STC89C51 为控制核心,传感器测量汽车的轮胎的气压和温度,并将传感器测得的压力和温度数据通过液晶显示屏显示出来,以此来通知驾驶员,在胎压出现异常时,提前预警。此设计用 3 个按键来设置轮胎压力温度的限值,来与测得的实时数据进行比较,当设定好压力和温度范围之后,一旦轮胎的实际压力和温度超过设定好的数值时,警报器响起来,警报灯会亮起来,系统中还加了存储器,在系统断电也能很好地保存数据。经过测试,此胎压检测装置能够实现设置,存储,预警的功能。
中图分类号:TP873 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)02-0070-05
Design on Tire Pressure Monitoring Device Based on Single Chip Microcomputer
ZHANG Wei 1, WANG Ningbo1, CHEN Meiling2
(1.Nanjing Ekenton Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., Nanjing 211100, China; 2.School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Nanjing Tech University Pujiang Institute, Nanjing 211100, China)
Abstract: Taking STC89C51 as the control core, the sensor measures the tire pressure and temperature of the vehicle, and displays the pressure and temperature data measured by the sensor through the LCD screen, so as to inform the driver and give early warning in case of abnormal tire pressure. This design uses three keys to set the temperature limit of tire pressure to compare with the measured realtime data. After setting the pressure and temperature range, once the actual pressure and temperature of tire exceed the set value, the alarm will sound and the alarm light will light up. The system also adds a memorizer to save the data very well when the system is powered off. After testing, the tire pressure detection device can realize the functions of setting, storage and early warning.
Keywords: tire pressure monitoring; temperature test; early warning
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