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(福建新大陆通信科技股份有限公司,福建 福州 350015)

摘  要:为了最大限度地利用已经建成的广播覆盖网络,添加适配器是相对经济合适的方案。适配的设计要符合标准、通用、可扩展等要求,目的是要兼容更多的平台和其他接入系统,遵循的规范是应急广播国标的暂行技术规范,在统一的标准和规范下,结合实际的应用,可以更好地对应急广播系统进行适配。根据这些需求,设计出一款基于 ARM 架构的适配器,采用Linux 系统运行,内置 BOA 嵌入式服务器,使用 SQLite 作为数据库系统,采用 C 语言实现的一款多功能应急广播适配器。

关键词:应急广播系统;适配器;SQLite;Linux 系统


中图分类号:TP311                                    文献标识码:A                                     文章编号:2096-4706(2022)02-0066-05

Design, Implementation and Application of Adapter in Emergency Broadcasting System


(Fujian Newland Communication Science & Technology Co., Ltd., Fuzhou 350015, China)

Abstract: In order to maximize the use of the built broadcast overlay network, adding the adapter is relatively economical and appropriate scheme. The design of the adapter should meet the requirements of standards, universal, scalability and so on, in order to be compatible with more platforms and other access systems, and the standard followed is the provisional technical standard of the national emergency broadcasting standard. Under the unified standards and norms, combined with practical application, it can better adapt the emergency broadcasting system. According to these requirements, a multifunctional emergency broadcast adapter based on ARM architecture, running with Linux system, built-in boa embedded server, SQLite as database system and C language is designed.

Keywords: emergency broadcasting system; adapter; SQLite; Linux system


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