摘 要:对带不同的时滞、不同的有色观测噪声和白噪声的 ARMA 信号,文章根据模型转换算法,推导出相应的反卷积Wiener 滤波器,通过计算互协方差阵得到加权阵,采用标量加权得到单通道 ARMA 信号的最优标量加权融合反卷积 Wiener 滤波器。通过仿真例子说明,按标量加权融合算法的精度高于每个局部滤波器的精度,验证了算法的正确性。
关键词:多传感器信息融合;时滞;有色噪声;反卷积 Wiener 滤波方法
中图分类号:TN713 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)03-0054-04
Weighted Fusion Deconvolution Wiener Filter for Single-Channel ARMA Signal with Different Time-Delays
SUN He1, WANG Wenwen1, ZHOU Guozhen1, CHENG Chanjuan1, FENG Wenqing2
(1. Nanjing Paneng Electric Power Technology Development Co., Ltd., Nanjing 210032, China; 2.School of Information and Control Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China)
Abstract: For ARMA signals with different time-delays, different colored observation noise and white noise, according to the model conversion algorithm, this paper deduces the corresponding deconvolution Wiener filter, The weighted matrix is obtained by calculating the cross covariance matrix, and the optimal scalar weighted fusion deconvolution Wiener filter of single channel ARMA signal is obtained by scalar weighting. Simulation examples illustrate that the accuracy of scalar-weighted fusion algorithm is higher than that of each local filter, which verifies the correctness of the algorithm.
Keywords: multi-sensor information fusion; time-delays; colored noise; deconvolution Wiener filtering method
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