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(中国电科第 38 研究所,安徽 合肥 230031)

摘  要:以电子装备感知的电磁环境为关注点,基于战场复杂电磁环境的基本内涵和特性,探讨了复杂电磁环境对作战效能的影响,根据电子靶场当前职能定位,提出了电子靶场复杂电磁环境装备建设的构想。最后介绍了利用软件化技术构建的能够模拟不同类型的某型复杂电磁信号的实验装备,该实验装备的试验测试结果表明,该技术合理可行、多功能一体化优势明显,是未来电子靶场构建复杂电磁环境装备的重要发展方向。



中图分类号:TN06                                            文献标识码:A                              文章编号:2096-4706(2022)03-0058-03

Thinking and Realization of Complex Electromagnetic Environment Construction in Electronic Target Range

MING Wenhua, ZHANG Yonghang

(No.38th Research Institute, China Electronic Technology Group Corporation, Hefei 230031, China)

Abstract: Focusing on the electromagnetic environment perceived by the electronic equipment, based on the basic connotation and characteristics of the complex electromagnetic environment on the battlefield, this paper discusses the influence of complex electromagnetic environment on fighting efficiency, and proposes the concept of the complex electromagnetic environment equipment construction in electronic target range according to the current functional position of the electronic target range. Finally, the experimental equipment built by using software technology which can simulate different types of complex electromagnetic signal is introduced. The equipment’s test results show that the technology is reasonable and feasible, and the multi-functional integration advantages are obvious. It is an important development direction that the electronic target range construct complex electromagnetic environment and equipment in the future.

Keywords: electronic target range; complex electromagnetic environment; fighting efficiency


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