摘 要:RC7017 是润光泰力科技发展有限公司开发的综合了 PDH 光端机和以太网光纤收发器功能的 ASIC 芯片,实现8 路 E1 和 1 路 100 M 全速全双工以太网数据的混合复用,提供两个 PCML 光器件接口、网管接口、公务电话接口以及用户辅助信道等功能。文章介绍一款基于芯片 RC7017 设计的光端机,并给出排查 RC7017 的故障判别方法及处理方式,完善芯片RC7017 的设计和实际故障处理方法,以供借鉴参考。
中图分类号:TN915.05 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)07-0032-04
A PDH Optical Transmitter and Receiver and Chip Troubleshooting Based on Chip RC7017
PAN Fuchu, QIN Moping
(The34th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Guilin 541004, China)
Abstract: RC7017 is an ASIC chip developed by Runguang Taili Technology Development Co., Ltd., which integrates the functions of PDH optical transmitter and receiver, and Ethernet fiber optical transceiver. The hybrid multiplexing of 8 road E1 and 1 road 100 M fullspeed and full-duplex Ethernet data is realized, and the functions of two PCML optical device interfaces, network management interfaces, official telephone interfaces and user assistant communication channels are provided. This paper introduces an optical transmitter and receiver based on the chip RC7017 design, and gives the fault identification method and processing method of the RC7017 troubleshooting, perfects the design and actual troubleshooting and handling method of the chip RC7017 for the reference.
Keywords: RC7017; module design; troubleshooting
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