摘 要:文章介绍一种基于同轴结构的微波限幅器设计方法。限幅电路采用 PIN 二极管和半有源式电路结构,实现高功率限幅特性。利用混合集成电路工艺实现限幅电路气密封装,再将气密封装装配到不锈钢同轴封装内,实现具有气密性的同轴限幅器结构。产品体积为 34 mm×Φ9 mm,测试结果表明,在 300 MHz ~ 2 000 MHz 频带内,插入损耗小于 1 dB,可承受峰值超过 1 000 W 的功率,泄漏功率小于 16 dBm。该设计可显著缩小限幅器产品体积,便于整机系统安装和更换,具有广阔的应用前景。
中图分类号:TN62 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)07-0036-03
A Design Method of Microwave Limiter Based on Coaxial Structure
LI Feng, DENG Shixiong, BAI Rui, WANG Qiaonan
(the 13th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Shijiazhuang 050051, China)
Abstract: This paper introduces a design method of microwave limiter based on coaxial structure. The limiting circuit adopts PIN diode and semi-active circuit structure to realize high-power limiting characteristics. The airtight packaging of the limiting circuit is realized by using the hybrid integrated circuit process, and then the airtight packaging is assembled into the stainless steel coaxial packaging to realize the airtight coaxial limiter structure. The product volume is 34 mm ×Φ 9 mm. The test results show that in the frequency band of 300 MHz ~ 2 000 MHz, the insertion loss is less than 1 dB, and it can withstand the power with the peak value exceeding 1 000 W, and the leakage power is less than 16 dbm. The design can significantly reduce the product volume of the limiter and facilitate the installation and replacement of the whole machine system. It has broad application prospects.
Keywords: limiter; coaxial; airtight; miniaturization
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