摘 要:分流井可实现雨污分流,避免自然水体倒灌管网,提高污水处理效率,杜绝雨污水直排进入自然水体。智能分流井目前在我国沿海城市污水治理领域被广泛应用。文章利用西门子 PLC S7-1200 控制器和有人 PLCNET 路由器,设计了智能分流井的硬件组态、软件组态和云台数据传输,实现了分流井各种输入输出量的智能控制。能以三种不同的模式(人工、智能、云平台)操控堰门和闸门的动作,并在 PLC 云平台中实现了各种参量的监控。
中图分类号:TP202 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)10-0061-03
Intelligent Electrical Configuration Control of Diversion Well Based on PLC
CHEN Ze 1, HUANG Xiao2
(1.Wuhan Shengyu Drainage System Co., Ltd., Wuhan 430058, China; 2.School of Information Engineering, Wuhan Business University, Wuhan 430056, China)
Abstract: Diversion wells can realize the diversion of rainwater and sewage and it could avoid natural water back-irrigation pipe network, improve sewage treatment efficiency, prevent the direct discharge of rain and sewage into the natural water bodies. The intelligent diversion wells are currently and widely used in the field of coastal urban sewage treatment in China. This paper uses Siemens PLC S7-1200 controller and manned PLCNET router, designs the hardware configuration, software configuration and cloud platform data transmission of intelligent diversion wells, and realizes the intelligent control of various input and output quantities of diversion wells. It can control the action of the weir gate and the water gate in three different modes (artificial, intelligent and cloud platform), and realize the monitoring of various parameters in the PLC cloud platform.
Keywords: diversion well; PLC; configuration design
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