摘 要:文章主要是 SDE619AN 基于 SDE619AF 信息处理板做改版,对于信息处理板实现全套的设计更改与实现,并充分结合当前情况,更换即将停产的器件,优化整体系统的设计,提高后续产品的可靠性和可生产性。主要包括以下几点:将RS422 接口芯片更换为 AX3077EASA+,并在该芯片电源端增加限流电阻;将 DSP1 的数据 FLASH(位号 D9)复位方式修改为复位芯片复位;将 IDT5V925(位号 D26)更换为一个时钟 buffer,并将晶振更换为 40 MHz 等。
中图分类号:TN710 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)18-0062-05
Design Change and Implementation of Information Processing Board
SU Huankun1, WANG Xunyu2
(1.The 20th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Xi’ an 710068, China; 2.Sichuan Sdrising Information Technology Co., Ltd., Chengdu 611731, China)
Abstract: This paper mainly focuses on the revision of SDE619AN based on SDE619AF information processing board, realizes a full set of design changes and implementation of information processing board, and fully combines the current situation to replace the devices to be discontinued, optimize the design of the overall system, and improve the reliability and producibility of subsequent products. It mainly includes the following points: replace the RS422 interface chip with MAX3077EASA+, and increase the current limiting resistance at the power end of the chip; change the data FLASH (tag number D9) reset mode of DSP1 to reset chip reset; replace IDT5V925 (tag number D26) with a clock buffer, and replace the crystal oscillator with 40 MHz, etc.
Keywords: information processing board; design change; optimized implementation
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