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王婉婷¹,景柳铭 ²
(1. 北方工业大学 电气与控制工程学院,北京 100144;2. 北京市电力电子与电气传动工程研究中心(北方工业大学),北京 100144)

摘  要:交流微电网具有诸多的优点,是未来重要的发展方向。但是当交流微电网内部发生故障时,较难检测出故障,且由于电流的双向流动,难以确定故障位置。且在低压电网中,很多节点只能获取电流信息,难以获取电压信息,因此有必要研究仅利用电流信息的微电网故障区间定位方法。文章使用 PSCAD 对故障进行仿真,对交流微电网故障区间定位算法进行仿真验证。




中图分类号:TP391.9                                         文献标识码:A                                         文章编号:2096-4706(2022)22-0042-05

Research on AC Micro-Grid Protection Method Based on Current Measurement Information

WANG Wanting1, JING Liuming2

(1.School of Electrical and Control Engineering, North China University of Technology, Beijing 100144, China; 2.Beijing Power Electronics and Electric Drive Engineering Research Center (North China University of Technology), Beijing 100144, China)

Abstract: AC Micro-Grid has many advantages and it is an important development direction in the future. However, when a fault occurs in the AC Micro-Grid, it is difficult to detect the fault, and it is difficult to determine the fault location due to the bidirectional flow of current. Moreover, in the low-voltage power grid, many nodes can only obtain current information and it is difficult to obtain voltage information. Therefore, it is necessary to study the fault interval location method of Micro-Grid using only current information. In this paper, PSCAD is used to simulate the fault and the fault interval location algorithm of AC Micro-Grid is simulated and verified.

Keywords: AC Micro-Grid; Micro-Grid fault interval; PSCAD; simulation


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