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基于 Arduino 的多功能消毒装置设计
(山东华宇工学院,山东 德州 253034)

摘  要:疫情期间,在公共卫生间、电梯等公共区域,由于环境相对密闭,且很多人共同使用,非常容易造成疫情的交叉感染,导致疫情扩散。所以文中项目提出了一种多功能公共密闭区域消毒装置,通过人体红外传感器监测是否有人进入了安全区域,有人进入则系统开始工作。当人离开之后,系统语音提示进行消毒,装置自动喷洒消毒液 5 秒。喷洒结束后 30 秒,系统开启紫外线灯对整个环境进行消毒杀菌。当检测到有人再次进入,则立即关闭紫外线灯。



基金项目:2021 年大学生创新创业训练计划省级项目(S202113857020)

中图分类号:TP212                                             文献标识码:A                              文章编号:2096-4706(2022)22-0047-04

Design of Multifunctional Disinfection Device Based on Arduino

ZHANG Shichao, HAN Ning

(Shandong Huayu University of Technology, Dezhou 253034, China)

Abstract: During the epidemic, in public areas such as public toilets and elevators, due to their relatively closed environment and are used by many people, it is very easy to cause cross infection of the epidemic, leading to the spread of the epidemic. Therefore, the project in this paper proposes a multi-functional public closed area disinfection device, which monitors whether someone has entered the safe area through the human infrared sensor, and the system starts to work when someone has entered. When people leave, the system will give voice prompts for disinfection, and the device will automatically spray disinfectant for 5 seconds. In 30 seconds after spraying, the system turns on the ultraviolet lamp to disinfect and sterilize the entire environment. When it is detected that someone enters again, it will turn off the UV lamp immediately.

Keywords: multi-function; public space; epidemic disinfection; intellectualization; automation


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