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(江苏长电科技股份有限公司,江苏 江阴 214437)

摘  要:小型化、低功耗一直是智能穿戴领域多轴传感器的设计目标。该设计由无线蓝牙 MCU,微型天线,无线充电单元,多轴传感器等组成,实现微系统控制、运动和姿态信息采集、无线数据传输、无线充电等功能。产品尺寸 34.00×27.00×10.50 mm,工作时间大于 30 小时,可作为独立终端部署于人体、设备相关部位,收集运动和姿态数据上传主机并由后端 APP 及算法实现运动状态监测、数据分析。亦可作为模块集成于电子终端设备,为终端小型化设计提供便利。



中图分类号:TP212                                        文献标识码:A                                       文章编号:2096-4706(2022)24-0050-05

Design and Implementation of Ultra-Small Wireless Multi-Axis Sensor

WU Jianyong, YAN Wei, LIU Lihong, LI Zongyi, LIN Yaojian

(JCET Co., Ltd., Jiangyin 214437, China)

Abstract: Miniaturization, low power consumption have always been the design goals of multi-axis sensor in the field of smart wearables. This design consists of the wireless bluetooth MCU, micro-antenna, wireless charging unit, multi-axis sensor and so on, achieves micro-system control, information collection of movement and gesture, wireless data transmission, wireless charging and other functions. The product size is 34.00×27.00×10.50 mm, the working time is more than 30 hours. The product can be deployed on the human body and related parts of the device as an independent terminal, and it collects movement and gesture data to upload to the host server. And the backend APP and algorithm  can realize motion status monitoring and data analysis. It can also be integrated as modules into electronic terminal equipment to facilitate the miniaturization design of terminal.

Keywords: miniaturization; low power consumption; multi-axis sensor; wireless bluetooth; wireless charging; movement monitoring


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作者简介:邬建勇(1982.06—),男,汉族,江苏江阴人,工程师,本科,研究方向:基于 SIP、AIP、晶圆级封装及微组装技术的超小型模块、封装级产品开发及技术研究。