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基于 FatFs 的数显游标卡尺数据记录仪
(安阳工学院 计算机科学与信息工程学院,河南 安阳 455000)

摘  要:为了实现对数显游标卡尺测量数据的快速、准确记录,设计了一种基于 FatFs 文件系统的数显游标卡尺数据记录仪。该记录仪以 STC8 单片机为核心,扩展了 TF 卡存储模块、实时时钟模块等,支持连续记录和外部按键触发记录两种模式。可以把数显游标卡尺串行通信接口输出的测量数据以 CSV 文本文件的格式存储在 TF 卡中,并对每条测量数据自动添加编号和时间戳,方便对数据进行分析和处理。

关键词:FatFs 文件系统;游标卡尺;STC8 单片机;SPI


基金项目:2021 年度安阳市科技计划项目(2021C01SF030)

中图分类号:TP368.2                                      文献标识码:A                                文章编号:2096-4706(2023)01-0054-04

Digital Vernier Caliper Data Logger Based on FatFs

CHANG Guoquan

(Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Anyang Institute of Technology, Anyang 455000, China)

Abstract: In order to realize the fast and accurate recording of the measurement data of digital vernier caliper, a vernier caliper data logger based on FatFs file system is designed. The data logger takes STC8 Single-Chip Microcontroller as the core, expands the TF card storage module and real-time clock module and so on. It supports two modes of continuous recording and external key triggered recording. It can store the measurement data output by the serial communication interface of the digital vernier caliper into the TF card with the format of CSV text file, and automatically add the number and time stamp to each measurement data. It is convenient for data analysis and processing.

Keywords: FatFs file system; vernier caliper; STC8 Single-Chip Microcontroller; SPI 


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