摘 要:传统的非对称多赫尔蒂功率放大器设计方法只能使主路放大器、辅路放大器其中之一匹配到50 欧姆,这使主路放大器或辅路放大器的单独设计、测试很不方便。本文以1:2 的非对称比为例介绍了一种利用混合电桥设计非对称多赫尔蒂功率放大器的设计方法。该方法不仅能够让主路功放、辅路功放都同时匹配到50 欧姆,而且在700MHz 以下频段,可以显著减小电路的面积。
中图分类号:TN722.75;TN015 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)08-0054-04
Design of Asymmetrical Dohert Power Amplifier
XIE Luping
(Guangzhou Tai Pu Communication System Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510663,China)
Abstract:The traditional design method of asymmetric Dohert power amplifier can only match one of the main amplifier and auxiliary path amplifier to 50 ohms. This makes the main path amplifier or auxiliary path amplifier independent design and test very inconvenient. Taking asymmetric ratio of 1:2 as an example,this paper introduces a design method of asymmetric Dohert power amplifier using hybrid bridge. This method can match the main power amplifier and auxiliary power amplifier to 50 ohms simultaneously,and the area of the circuit can be significantly reduced under the frequency band below 700MHz.
Keywords:power amplifier;asymmetric;Dohert;hybrid Bridge
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