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(池州学院,安徽 池州 247000)

摘  要:随着现代科学技术的发展,电子、通讯等高新技术产业也在迅速崛起,电子仪器和电子设备正在朝着小型化、智能化、多功能化方面发展,而微电子器件成为当下电子产品实现小型化、智能化、多功能的必要原件。这种微电子器件具有外部结构简单、集成度高、功率低的特点,这些特点导致了这种微电子器件对静电比较敏感。本文立足于微电子器件特征和静电放电特点,通过实验分析出静电放电对微电子器件的影响,并提出相应的防护措施。


中图分类号:TN406         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)08-0066-03

Analysis of the Test of Electrostatic Damage in Microelectronic Devices
YANG Sishuai
(Chizhou University,Chizhou 247000,China)

Abstract:With the development of modern science and technology,the high and new technology industries such as electronic andcommunication are rising rapidly. Electronic instruments and electronic equipment are developing towards miniaturization,intellectualizationand multi-function. Microelectronic devices have become the necessary original parts for the realization of the miniaturization,intellectualization and multi-function of electronic products. This kind of microelectronic device has the characteristic of simple externalstructure,high integration and low power. These characteristics make the microelectronic devices more sensitive to static electricity. In thispaper,based on the characteristics of microelectronic devices and the characteristics of electrostatic discharge,the effects of electrostaticdischarge on microelectronic devices are analyzed by experiments,and the corresponding protective measures are put forward.

Keywords:microelectronic devices;electrostatic damage;discharge model


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