摘 要:本项目旨在研究渭南当地传统温室大棚的智能化改造,针对传统温室大棚因人工管理种植模式造成产量损失的问题,本文设计了一种基于ZigBee 的大棚环境监测系统,其主要以影响农作物生长的大棚环境温湿度、土壤湿度为被监测对象,建立星状网络结构,以协调器为核心,利用终端节点连接传感器对大棚环境进行无线、快速和准确地监测。
中图分类号:TP274 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)08-0068-03
Design of Environment Monitoring System for Greenhouse Based on ZigBee
DANG Lei,NI Xuguang
(Weinan Normal University,Weinan 714000,China)
Abstract:The purpose of this project is to study the intelligent transformation of the traditional greenhouse shed in Weinan area.Aiming at solving the problem of the yield loss caused by artificial management and planting mode in the traditional greenhouse shed,a kind of environment monitoring system based on ZigBee is designed in this paper. It is mainly based on the greenhouse environmenttemperature and humidity which affect the growth of crops,and the soil moisture as the monitored object to establish the star networkstructure. With the coordinator as the core,the terminal node is used to connect the sensor to monitor the greenhouse environmentwirelessly,quickly and accurately.
Keywords:wireless short-range communication;greenhouses;temperature and humidity;soil moisture
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