摘 要:为了促进电力系统持续发展,根据大量控制、保护、自动装置等一系列的设备实现直流电源供电,所以直流电源的可靠性在电力系统稳定、安全的运行过程中具有重要的作用。变电站直流电源系统属于自动装置,继电保护、断路器等正常运行的拨正,能够避免系统破坏、设备损坏、事故扩大等问题。如何实时监控直流电源系统,是现代电力系统需要解决的主要问题。 所以,变电站直流电源系统的设计尤为重要。
中图分类号:TM63 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)09-0048-02
Design and Application of DC Power Supply System in Substation
FU Zhencheng
(Hainan Weite Electric Group Co.,Ltd.,Haikou 570311,China)
Abstract:In order to promote the continuous development of the power system,it is necessary to use a series of control,protection,automatic equipment and a series of equipment to use DC power supply,so the reliability of DC power supply play animportant role in the stable and safe operation of the power system. The DC power supply system in substations belongs to the normaloperation of automatic device,relay protection,circuit breaker and so on. It can avoid system damage,equipment damage,andaccidents expansion and other problems. How to monitor DC power system in real time is the main problem to be solved in modern powersystem. Therefore,the design of substation DC power system is particularly important.
Keywords:substation;system design;DC power supply
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