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(西安电子工程研究所,陕西 西安 710100)

摘  要:本文提出一种基于PCB 层压技术的低剖面宽带缝隙耦合天线阵列。通过引入“哑铃”形缝隙耦合结构,形成频带内多个寄生谐振频率,来展宽天线工作带宽。仿真与实测数据表明16×16 天线阵列各单元在12GHz-18GHz 内驻波比小于2.3。并且能够满足相控阵宽角扫描要求。


中图分类号:TN822         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)01-0026-04

Design of Low Profile Wideband Slot Coupled Antenna Array

LI Ning,WANG Yuanyuan,LIAO Yuan

(Xi’an Electronic Engineering Research Institute,Xi’an 710100,China)

Abstract:In the paper a low profile wideband slot coupled antenna array is presented based on laminated PCB technology. The wideband characteristic is obtained by the “dumbbell” shape coupled structure which can get more resonant frequencies. The simulated computation and measured results indicate that the VSWR of this 16×16 antenna array is less than 2.3 in the frequency band from 12GHz to 18GHz. And it can meet the requirements of wide angle scanning of phased array.

Keywords:slot coupled;wideband antenna;low profile


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作者简介:李宁(1991-),男,汉族,陕西西安人,微波工 程师,研究方向:微波电路设计。