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(南京工程学院 通信工程学院,江苏 南京 211167)

摘  要:环境保护和健康一直是热点话题。建立有效的监测系统对应对环境和健康问题,是必要的。紫外线辐射对我们的生活有利也有弊。紫外线作为一种光辐射,一方面对人体维生素D 产生有至关重要的作用;另一方面过量的紫外线会对人的皮肤造成伤害,破坏人体的免疫系统。因此设计一个紫外线监测系统,将采用LCD12864 显示屏来描绘出紫外线指数的变化进行紫外线强度监测,进而对影响紫外线强度的因素展开分析。


中图分类号:P422.62         文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)02-0030-04

Ultraviolet Monitoring and Influencing Factors Analysis
ZHU Huajing,LIU Kun,ZHAO Jing,ZHANG Yu,WANG Feng
(Department of Communication Engineerings,Nanjing Institute of Technology,Nanjing 211167,China)

Abstract:Environmental protection and health has always been a hot topic. It is necessary to establish effective monitoring system to cope with environmental and health problems. Ultraviolet radiation has its advantages and disadvantages for our live. Ultraviolet light as a kind of light radiation,on the one hand,has a vital role in the production of vitamin D in human body;on the other hand,excessive ultraviolet rays can cause harm to human skin and damage the body's immune system. Therefore,an ultraviolet monitoring system will be designed,which will use the LCD12864 display to describe the change in UV index for UV intensity monitoring,and then analyze the UV influencing factors.

Keywords:UV(ultraviole) monitoring;LCD12864;UV(ultraviole) intensity;


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