摘 要:本文以量子密钥分发(QKD)技术的专利申请作为分析对象,重点统计了该领域的专利申请量趋势、技术原创国与目标国分布、主要申请人排名,并对该领域重点专利进行了分析,以期为国内申请人了解量子密钥分发技术专利现状,并把握市场发展趋势提供参考。
中图分类号:TN918 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)06-0190-03
Patent Analysis of Quantum Key Distribution Technology
LI Xinmeng
(Patent Examination Cooperation Beijing Center of the Patent Office,CNIPA,Beijing 100160,China)
Abstract:This paper focuses on the patent applications of quantum key distribution (QKD) technology,the trend of patent applications,the distribution of technology originator and target countries,and the ranking of main applicants in this field are emphatically counted,and the key patents in this field are analyzed,in order to provide reference for domestic applicants to understand the status of patents in quantum key distribution technology and grasp the market development trend.
Keywords:quantum key distribution;patent analysis;patent application
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