摘 要:近几年,人工智能迅猛发展,各种新型智能产品如雨后春笋般不断涌现,有些已在制造业、服务业等多个领域投入使用。毋庸置疑,未来人类的很多工作将逐渐被人工智能所取代。高职院校作为培养应用型人才的主要基地,必须紧跟市场发展趋势,及时调整专业设置,从而更好地为企业培养专业人才,为学生提供就业机会。本文介绍了人工智能的内涵、发展现状及现阶段高职院校人工智能专业建设概况,最后探讨了高职院校人工智能专业建设的必要性。
中图分类号:TP18 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)12-0184-04
The Necessity of the Construction of Artificial Intelligence Specialty inHigher Vocational Colleges
FAN Zhandong,XING Peizhen
(Henan Vocational College of Water Conservancy and Environment,Zhengzhou 450008,China)
Abstract:In recent years,AI has made rapid development. Various new intelligent products have sprung up like mushrooms after aspring rain. Some of them have been put into use in many fields,such as manufacturing and service industries. There is no doubt that manyhuman tasks will be gradually replaced by artificial intelligence in the future. As the main base of training applied talents,higher vocationalcolleges must keep abreast of the market development trend,adjust the professional settings in time,so as to better train professionaltalents for enterprises and provide employment opportunities for students. This paper introduces the connotation and development status ofAI and the general situation of AI specialty construction in higher vocational colleges at present. Finally,it discusses the necessity of AIspecialty construction in higher vocational colleges.
Keywords:higher vocational colleges;artificial intelligence;professional settings;talent training
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