摘 要:一直以来,高等院校的传统课堂教学都无法达到预期的教学效果,无法适应现代教育的需求。因此,笔者提出线上课程与课堂教学相结合的混合式教学模式,构建以学生为中心的互动课堂的新模式,需要教师改变固有的教学模式,创造出适应学生的新的教学理念及方法。
中图分类号:G642.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)14-0195-02
How to Construct Student-centered Interactive Classroom
GAO Xiaohuan
(Xi’an Vocational University of Automobile,Xi’an 710038,China)
Abstract:Traditional classroom teaching in higher education institutions has not been able to achieve the expected teaching effects and cannot meet the needs of modern education. Therefore,the author proposes a hybrid teaching model that establishes online courses and integrates with classroom teaching,and constructs a new mode of student-centered interactive classroom. Teachers need to change the inherent teaching mode and create a new teaching concept and methods suitable for students.
Keywords:online courses;student-centered;mixed teaching
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