摘 要:随着我国经济水平的不断提高,以及市场竞争压力的增加,出于缩减生产成本,优化产品质量的目的,服务外包成为一种普遍选择。“外包”现象兴起于20 世纪90 年代,随着网络技术的飞速发展,兴起了IT 服务外包现象,它在降低企业成产成本、融合核心业务、提高工作质量方面发挥出积极的作用,但是在此过程中,服务外包存在一定的风险。因此,如何规避企业IT 服务外包风险显得十分重要。本文首先介绍了IT 服务外包的概念,其次介绍了IT 服务外包的特征,包含外包服务时间较长,外包行业多种多样、各具特色,外包具有一定的目的性这三个特征。
中图分类号:TP30 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)14-0197-02
Discussion on Risk Control Model of Enterprise IT Service Outsourcing
QIU Meijing,WANG Xiaoqi,ZHANG Jiahui,HUANG Ke,WANG Yuanxiong
(Meizhou Power Supply Bureau of Guangdong Power Grid Co.,Ltd.,Meizhou 514021,China)
Abstract:With the continuous improvement of China’s economic level and the increase of market competition pressure,the purpose of optimizing product quality is to reduce production costs,service outsourcing becomes a universal choice. The phenomenon of“outsourcing” emerged in the 1990s. With the rapid development of network technology,the phenomenon of IT service outsourcing has arisen. It has played a positive role in reducing the cost of production,integrating core business and improving work quality,but in this process,service outsourcing has certain risks. Therefore,how to avoid the risk of enterprise IT service outsourcing is very important. This paper first introduces the concept of IT service outsourcing,and then introduces the characteristics of IT service outsourcing,including three characteristics of long-term outsourcing service,various outsourcing industries,unique characteristics and outsourcing with certain purpose.
Keywords:enterprise IT;service outsourcing;risk control model
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