摘 要:随着互联网时代的到来,教育信息化逐步完善,国内各级教育部门的教科研工作伴随互联网信息技术、数字化技术的发展同样面临着新一轮的机遇和挑战。从线下走向线上教研,“互联网+”形成的网络教研新模式,突破了传统地域化的限制,最大限度地开拓了教科研之间的交流合作。安顺市教育科学研究所(以下简称“安顺市教科所”)基于“互联网+ 云课”的互联网思维和技术,从安顺当前的常态教研出发,对提升区域内教研联动性、促进教师专业成长、汇聚本土优质课程资源等方面进行了一系列实践探索,创新了教研工作方法,很好地提高了教研工作的效率。
中图分类号:G434;G712.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)16-0192-03
Practical Exploration of the New Teaching and Research Mode of“Internet Plus Cloud Class”
LUO Wenshi1,YAN Song2
(1.Anshun Institute of Educational Science,Anshun 561099,China;2.No.2 High School of Anshun,Anshun 561000,China)
Abstract:With the advent of the internet era and the gradual improvement of educational informatization,the development of internet information technology and digital technology is also facing a new round of opportunities and challenges. From offline to online teaching and research,the new mode of network teaching and research formed by “internet plus” breaks through the restrictions of traditional localization and maximizes the communication and cooperation between teaching and scientific research. Based on the “internet plus cloud class” internet thinking and technology,Anshun Institute of Educational Science started a series of practical explorations on improving the linkage of teaching and research in the region,promoting the professional growth of teachers,and bringing together highquality local curriculum resources from the current normal teaching and research in Anshun. It has innovated the teaching and research methods,and has greatly improved the efficiency of teaching and research work.
Keywords:internet plus;cloud platform;teaching and research mode
[1] 中国互联网络信息中心. 第42 次《中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》 [R/OL].http://www.cnnic.cn/gywm/xwzx/rdxw/20172017_7047/201808/P020180820603445431468.pdf,2019-06-12.
[2] 国务院. 国务院关于印发国家教育事业发展“十三五”规划的通知 [EB/OL].http://www.gov.cn/zhengce/content/ 2017-01/19/content_5161341.htm,2019-06-12.
[3] 施佳林. 基于智学网阅卷平台下高三数学试卷讲评课的实践探索——以2017 年5 月“福州市高中毕业班适应性练习”为例 [J].福建中学数学,2019(3):47-49.