摘 要:随着社会科技的进步和信息技术的蓬勃发展,人们逐渐步入了新媒体时代。与传统媒体相比,新媒体的兴起与发展塑造了一个新的媒体传播时代。随着新媒体的不断发展,媒体形式越来越多样化,人们也逐渐被新媒体时代所包围。在新媒体环境下,新媒体技术和新媒体艺术的发展应用也进一步促进了新媒体时代的繁荣,在两者的推动下,我国的动画产业也有了长足的进步。
中图分类号:J954;G124 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)22-0197-02
The Development of Chinese Animation in the New Media Era
DAI Liqian
(Shandong Huayu University of Technology,Dezhou 253034,China)
Abstract:As the society makes progress in science and technology and gets vigorous in information technology,people have gradually stepped into the new media era. Compared with the traditional media,the emergence and growth of new media has shaped an innovative media communication era. With the constant development of new media,media forms become increasingly diverse,and people are surrounded by the new media era. In this environment,the development and application of new media technology and art further promote the prosperity of the new media era. And under the promotion of new media technology and art,China’s animation industry has made significant progress.
Keywords:new media;Chinese animation;new media art;new media technology
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