摘 要:在工程类专业中,“机械制图”是一门重要的技术基础课程,在整个课程体系中发挥着至关重要的作用。为培养学生创新能力、大力推进素质教育培养,教师需积极改进教学方法,加快完成专业基础课程改革。“双元制”教学中,学生在第三学年需至企业实习,这也就意味着学生在校学习的时间会缩短。因此,教师一定要解决好学时短,又要提高学生实践能力的问题。本文以“机械制图”课程为例,探究了“双元制”下本科项目专业基础课程改革的重点,以期为中德校企合作提供理论参考。
中图分类号:TH126-4;G712 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)23-0181-03
The Professional Basic Curriculum Reform of Undergraduate Program Based on the “Dual System” of Sino German Cooperation
——Take “Mechanical Drawing” as an Example
TANG Hua,LI Yongmei,YAN Hongxia
(Southeast University Chengxian College,Nanjing 210088,China)
Abstract:In the engineering specialty,“Mechanical Drawing” is an important technical basic course,which plays an important role in the whole course system. In order to cultivate students’innovative ability and promote quality education,teachers need to improve teaching methods and speed up the reform of professional basic courses. In the “dual system” teaching,students need to practice in enterprises in the third academic year,which means that students’time in school will be shortened. Therefore,teachers must solve the problem of short class hours and improve students’practical ability. This paper takes the course of “Mechanical Drawing” as an example to explore the key points of the reform of the basic course of undergraduate project under the “dual system”,in order to provide theoretical reference for the cooperation between Chinese and German universities and enterprises.
Keywords:dual system;Sino German cooperation;professional basic curriculum reform;mechanical drawing
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