
(卓尼县教育和科学技术局,甘肃 甘南 747600)

摘  要:目前,信息技术快速发展并与教学领域结合。然而在信息技术这门课程中,教师还是以讲授法教授课本上的知识为主,在锻炼学生信息技术应用能力方面效率较低。信息技术这门学科是初中与现代信息技术联系最紧密的学科之一,因此要尽早地培养学生信息素养,让学生拥有社会需要的信息技术能力,采取合适的方法,提高初中信息技术教学的有效性也成为了应有之义。


中图分类号:G633.67         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)03-0188-03

Research on the Effective Teaching Strategy of Information Technology in Junior High School under the Network Environment

XIA Shuqing

(Zhuoni County Bureau of Education,Science and Technology,Gannan 747600,China)

Abstract:At present,information technology is developing rapidly and combining with teaching field. However,in the course of information technology,teachers mainly teach the knowledge in textbooks by teaching method,which is inefficient in training students’application ability of information technology. Information technology is one of the most closely related subjects between junior high school and modern information technology. Therefore,it is necessary to cultivate students’information literacy as soon as possible,let students have the information technology ability needed by the society,and take appropriate methods to improve the effectiveness of information technology teaching in junior high school.

Keywords:network environment;junior high school information technology;effective teaching


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