摘 要:随着信息网络技术的快速发展,人们对于医疗资源提出了更高的要求,医疗机构过去的管理经验已不能很好地适应现在的工作任务,因此医疗机构也已开始广泛应用信息化管理系统。急救中心是医疗系统中负责紧急处理急症患者的机构,其接触的病人大都是病情进展极为迅速、病情极为危重的患者,急救中心的工作人员必须提高自身的工作效率。借助信息化管理系统的帮助,急救中心的事务处理效率得到大大提高,并且为未来的急救处理保留了大量数据。
中图分类号:R197.324 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)03-0190-03
Significance Analysis of the Establishment and Application of Information Management in Emergency Center
NIE Dongni
(Beijing Emergency Center,Beijing 100031,China)
Abstract:With the rapid development of information network technology,people put forward higher requirements for medical resources. The past management experience of medical institutions has not been able to adapt to the current task,so medical institutions have also begun to widely use information management system. Emergency center is the organization responsible for emergency treatment of patients in the medical system. Most of the patients it contacts are patients with extremely rapid progress and critical condition. The staff of emergency center must improve their work efficiency. With the help of information management system,the transaction efficiency of emergency center has been greatly improved,and a lot of data are reserved for the future emergency treatment.
Keywords:information management;emergency center;hospital management
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