摘 要:市场经济是合同经济,合同智能审查能够有效地防范经济风险。本文对人工智能在合同审查中的应用进行了梳理,对合同智能审查的理论研究与应用现状做了简要分析,并从技术和理论视角就如何助推合同智能审查的发展做了展望。关键词:人工智能;合同审查;技术预期
中图分类号:TP182 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)01-0188-03
Analysis on the Application and Development Prospect of Artificial Intelligence Contract Review
HAO Xindong
(South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510631,China)
Abstract:Market economy is a contract economy,the contract intelligence review can effectively prevent risks. This paper aims to survey the application of artificial intelligence in contract review. The author make a brief analysis on the theoretical research and application of contract intelligence review,and further look ahead to how promote the development of contract intelligence review from the perspective of technology and theory.
Keywords:artificial intelligence;contract review;technical expectation
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作者简介:郝新东(1962.11-),男,河南开封人,副教授, 兼职律师,博士,研究方向:合同法、公司法。