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(三门峡职业技术学院,河南 三门峡 472000)

摘  要:剪纸逐帧艺术动画是当今逐帧艺术动画中最常见的一种艺术表现形式。其中,剪纸逐帧艺术动画在国内外艺术创作中非常普遍,由于其自身材料属性的物质特性和超强的可塑性,加上在动画表现力方面具有的强烈空间视觉感,而受到当今动画师们的一致认可。在剪纸逐帧艺术动画地研究中,本文主要以剪纸逐帧动画表现形式为基础,从光影、镜头、透视、特效等几个方面,着重探析剪纸逐帧艺术动画地制作过程和空间深度及维度等方面表现形式,通过以详析剪纸动画在材料、二维属性等方面所存的问题为切入点,在借鉴国内外优秀剪纸逐帧艺术动画作品的基础上,探寻出当前剪纸逐帧艺术动画在空间深度、光动阴影设计以及定格动画和空间形状中的表现形式。


中图分类号:J218.7;J528.1         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)08-0081-03

Analysis of the Space Dimension Expressions in the Frame-by-Frame Artistic
Animation Production of Paper-cut
XUE Long
(Sanmenxia Polytechnic,Sanmenxia 472000,China)

Abstract:Paper-cut frame-by-frame artistic animation is the most common form of artistic expression in today’s frame-byframe artistic animation. Among them,paper-cut frame-by-frame art animation is very common in domestic and foreign art creation. Because of its own material properties and super plasticity,as well as the strong sense of spatial vision in animation expression,it is unanimously recognized by today’s animators. In the research of paper-cut frame-by-frame artistic animation,this paper mainly based on the expression form of paper-cut frame-by-frame animation,focusing on the analysis of paper-cut frame-by-frame artistic animation production process,spatial depth and dimension,and other manifestations from light and shadow,lens,perspective,special effects,etc.,through detailed analysis of paper-cut animation in the material,two-dimensional attributes and other aspects as a breakthrough point,in reference. On the basis of excellent paper-cut frame-by-frame art animation works at home and abroad,this paper explores the manifestations of current paper-cut frame-by-frame art animation in space depth,photodynamic shadow design,fixed-frame animation and space shape.

Keywords:paper freezing;animation space;shadow design for modeling


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