摘 要:为满足亲子社交在互联网快速发展环境下的需要,更好地帮助年轻父母记录宝贝成长足迹和分享育儿经验,本文建立了以亲子记录为基础的家庭社交平台,实现了基于Web 的家庭乐园分享功能,用户可以随时记录宝贝成长点滴,可以相互分享和交流,让父母与子女之间的爱表现得更加具有开放性和保存性。
中图分类号:TP316.8;TP311.52 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)10-0086-03
Design and Implementation Family Paradise Sharing Platform Based on Web
WU Heng,DAI Xiaohu
(Computer School of Hubei University of Arts and Science,Xiangyang 441053,China)
Abstract:In order to meet the needs of parent-child socialization in the rapid development of the internet,better help young parents to record baby growth footprint and share parenting experience,follow the software engineering development norms,this paper designs and implements a Web-based family park sharing platform. Based on the platform,users can record baby growth at any time,and the platform also provides an interactive platform for prospective new parents to share and communicate,and establishes a family social platform based on parent-child records has been established to make the performance of love between parents and children more open and preserved.
Keywords:family paradise;family social platform;sharing function;parent child platform
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