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基于手机APP 的智能废品资源回收平台的设计与实现
(山东华宇工学院,山东 德州 253034)

摘  要:当前社会废品回收系统不完善,大部分居民对于自家废品的处理较为随意,多数情况下都是堆积在家里或随手丢弃到垃圾桶里。虽然这种情况对于居民来说很普遍,但这不仅会造成居民生活的不便,还会造成垃圾废品的处理难度,而且还会影响自然环境。如今,对于废品回收来说,仍然没有一套系统高效率的回收方法。根据调研以及对废品回收情况的分析,本项目主要开发一款基于手机APP 的智能废品资源回收平台。


中图分类号:TP311.52;TP316         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)10-0092-03

Design and Implementation of Intelligent Waste Resource Recycling Platform
Based on Mobile APP
LIU Zhaochao,HAO Pingping
(Shandong Huayu University of Technology,Dezhou 253034,China)

Abstract:At present,the social waste recycling system is imperfect. Most residents are more casual about their own waste disposal. In most cases,they are piled up at home or thrown into the trash. Although this situation is very common for residents,it will not only cause inconvenience to residents’lives,but also make it difficult to handle garbage waste,and it will also affect the natural environment. Today,there is still no systematic and efficient recycling method for waste recycling. According to the survey and the analysis of waste recycling,the project mainly develops a smart waste recycling platform based on mobile APP.

Keywords:APP;waste resource recycling;intelligent platform;Java


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