摘 要:在科技高速发展的今天,有两个重要的因素可以对企业的发展构成影响,那就是人才与信息。首先,企业需要依靠获取的信息做出新的发展决策,同时,信息技术的发展可以为企业节约成本,提高效率。以交通运输企业为例,接下来笔者将结合实际工作,总结经验,根据实地调查,具体论述计算机网络技术在运输企业信息化过程中的应用。
中图分类号:TP393.0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)10-0086-02
Application Research of Computer Network Technology in TransportationEnterprise Informatization Process
WANG Lihong
(Changchun Local Road Transport Administration,Changchun 130000,China)
Abstract:In the high-speed development of science and technology today,there are two important factors that can affect thedevelopment of enterprises, they are talent and information. Firstly,enterprises need to rely on information to make new developmentdecisions. At the same time,the development of information technology can save costs and improve efficiency for enterprises. Takingtransportation enterprises as an example,the author will summarize the experience and discuss the application of computer networktechnology in the transportation of enterprise informatization according to the field investigation.
Keywords:transportation enterprises;computer network technology;enterprise informatization
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