摘 要:C 语言程序设计是一门为许多高校包括独立学院的非计算机专业理工系学生开设的一门公共选修课程,其课程设置目标是培养理工类非计算机专业学生的编程思维和编程能力。笔者基于多年来对“C 语言程序设计”课程的实际教学经验,发现把编程错误案例进行搜集和分析以及讨论的教学法融入C 语言教学中,能让学生有更好的分析问题、解决问题的能力,并且可以大大提高编程效率。
关键词:C 语言程序;编程思维;错误案例教学法
中图分类号:TP312 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)10-0090-02
The Application of Error Case Teaching Method in the Teaching of C Language
NIE Hong
(Orient Science and Technology College of Hunan Agricultural University,Changsha 410128,China)
Abstract:C programming is a public elective course in a number of colleges and universities,including independent collegestudents of non-computer science and technology,which aims to cultivate the programming thinking and programming ability of noncomputermajors. In view of the practical teaching experience of the C language program for many years,the author finds that the teachingmethod of collecting,analyzing and discussing programming errors in the C language teaching can make students have a better ability toanalyze and solve problems,and greatly improve the efficiency of programming.
Keywords:C language program;programming thinking;error case teaching method
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