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基于APP 的智能医疗服务平台的设计与实现
(1. 无锡市精神卫生中心 信息科,江苏 无锡 214100;2. 无锡市精神卫生中心,江苏 无锡 214100)

摘  要:移动互联网的发展,为我们打破了传统的医疗就诊模式。研究人员根据医院实际情况,设计出移动端的智能医疗平台,通过此平台患者在就医过程中可以通过手机进行挂号、缴费、导诊、查看报告单等,此平台优化了就医流程,缩短了就医时间,带来了全新的用户体验。同时各类报表为决策管理部门提出准确、及时、科学的决策分析处理信息提供了可靠的依据,提高了各部门管理人员的管理水平与办公效率,减轻了其工作负担。


中图分类号:TP311.52;TP393.09         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)12-0081-03

The Design and Implementation of Intelligent MedicalService Platform Based on APP

GU Wenqiang1,XUE Meihua2,MEI Rubao1

(1.Information Department of Wuxi Mental Health Center,Wuxi 214100,China;2.Wuxi Mental Health Center,Wuxi 214100,China)

Abstract:The development of mobile internet has broken the traditional medical treatment mode for us. The researchers accordingto the actual situation of the hospital,designed a mobile intelligent medical terminal platform,through this platform to patients inthe course of medical treatment by mobile phone registration,payment,check and guidance report,this platform to optimize themedical treatment process,shorten the treatment time,bring a new user experience. At the same time all kinds of statements for theproposed decision management accurately and timely and scientific decision-making information to provide a reliable basis to improve themanagement level of management personnel of various departments and office efficiency,reduce the burden of work.

Keywords:intelligent medical treatment;Android;diagnosis and treatment system


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