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一种低复杂度高准确度的Khatri-Rao 积分解算法
(北方工业大学,北京 100144)

摘  要:提出了一种常用的可用于无线通信、图像处理、雷达监测等领域的低复杂度高准确度的算法。这种算法采用了直接计算加上部分迭代的方法计算,与其他普通的加密算法不同,这种算法便捷、简单,其以Khatri-Rao 积算法为载体,包含了SVD 分解等算法,其作用是对数据进行加密处理或者近似估计。计算机仿真和实际采集数据表明该算法结果准确率高,实现简单,具有较强的可行性和实用性。

关键词:Khatri-Rao 积分解;SVD 算法;左右奇异向量

中图分类号:TN918.6+6         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)12-0084-03

A Low Complexity and High Accuracy Algorithm for Khatri-Rao Integral Solution

LV Shitao,SUN Changhao,HAN Xi,ZHAO Hui,CHENG Ye,LI Qingwen

(North China University of Technology,Beijing 100144,China)

Abstract:This paper presents a low complexity and high accuracy algorithm which can be used in wireless communication,imageprocessing,radar monitoring and other fields. This algorithm adopts the method of direct calculation plus partial iteration. Unlike otherordinary encryption algorithms,this algorithm is convenient and simple,and its product is Khatri-Rao. The algorithm is the carrier,including SVD decomposition algorithm,its role is to encrypt data processing or approximate estimation. Computer simulation and actualdata acquisition show that the algorithm has high accuracy,simple implementation,strong feasibility and practicability.

Keywords:Khatri-Rao integral solution;SVD algorithm;left and right singular vector


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