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基于CDIO 的网络工程专业实践教学改革
(山东华宇工学院,山东 德州 253034)

摘  要:CDIO 工程教育模式是科学家、教育家们不断探索的成果,CDIO 是构思、设计、实践和运作4 个英文单词首字母的缩写,传达的思想是让学生们主动学习知识,培养学习能力,在教育改革领域有着非凡的创新意义。现如今,很多高校为了更好地实施教育改革,达到改革的效果,都会将专业内容与CDIO 理念结合进行创新改革,在投入更多的时间、设备和师资力量后,这一专业的教学内容和效果就会达到学校预想的结果,并且能促进高校的教育改革,提高CDIO 理念在教育教学中的地位。本文以网络工程专业实践教学为例,以CDIO 的教育理念为基础,进行教学改革,旨在提高学生们的上课效率和知识的储备能力,并为学校进行以CDIO 教育理念为基础的专业改革提供实例,增加改革信心。

关键词:CDIO 理念;网络工程;实践教学

中图分类号:TP393-4;G642         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)12-0088-03

Practical Teaching Reform of Network Engineering Major Based on CDIO

ZHENG Yujuan,ZHANG Yadong

(Shandong Huayu University of Technology,Dezhou 253034,China)

Abstract:CDIO engineering education model is the result of continuous exploration by scientists and educators. CDIO is theabbreviation of the initials of four English words:conception,design,practice and operation. The idea conveyed is to enable students toactively learn knowledge and develop their learning ability. It has an extraordinary innovative significance in the field of educational reform.Nowadays,in order to better implement the educational reform and achieve the effect of the reform,many colleges and universities willcombine professional content with CDIO concept to carry out innovative reform. After investing more time,equipment and teachers,theteaching content and effect of this major will achieve the expected results of the school,and can promote the educational reform of collegesand universities,and improve the CDIO concept in education and teaching. Taking the practical teaching of network engineering specialtyas an example,this paper carries out the teaching reform based on CDIO’s educational concept,aiming at improving students’classefficiency and knowledge reserve ability,and providing examples for the professional reform based on CDIO’s educational concept inschools,so as to increase their confidence in the reform.

Keywords:CDIO concept;network engineering;practical teaching

基金项目:2016 山东省本科高校教学改革研究项目:基于CDIO 的校企合作应用型本科网络工程人才培养模式研究(项目编号:C2016M078)。


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