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(海南经贸职业技术学院,海南 海口 571127)

摘  要:根据大学生就业的历史数据创建就业模型并预测未来的就业变化及趋势,可以为学校管理者和人才培养方案制定者提供有价值的信息和参考依据。本文结合学者们针对高校毕业生就业预测的研究成果和研究脉络,从就业预测数据源、就业预测算法、就业预测要素及就业预测结论四个方面详细介绍相关研究成果及代表文献,为研究人员提供参考和借鉴。


中图分类号:TP311.13         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)12-0086-03

Research and Analysis of Employment Prediction Algorithms for College Graduates

CHEN Juntao

(Hainan College of Economics and Business,Haikou 571127,China)

Abstract:Based on the historical data of college students’employment,establishing employment model and predictingemployment changes and trends in future,which can provide valuable information and reference for school administrators and personneltraining program makers. Based on the research results and research veins of the employment prediction of college graduates,this papermakes an analysis from four aspects:the data source of employment prediction,the employment prediction algorithm,the elementsof employment prediction and the conclusion of employment prediction,and introduces detailed the relevant research results andrepresentative literatures,so as to provide reference for researchers.

Keywords:institutions of higher learning;employment prediction;algorithms analysis


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