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(三江学院 计算机科学与工程学院,江苏 南京 210012)

摘  要:近五年以来,中国网民规模和互联网普及率都在稳步增长。随着网络日益发达,相关部门对前期数据进行获取,基于大数据技术对网络舆情预测问题进行分析,通过网络舆情预测混合算法、大数据舆情预测算法、网络舆情生命周期模型的应用,发现潜在的舆情危机,科学迅速地采取适当措施,引导事件的正确发展,很有现实意义。


中图分类号:TP311.13;TP393.09         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)12-0100-03

Network Public Opinion Forecast Analysis Based on Big Data

LIU Dingyi,YING Yi

(School of Computer Science and Engineering,Sanjiang University,Nanjing 210012,China)

Abstract:In the past five years,China’s internet users and internet penetration rate have been growing steadily. With theincreasing development of the network,relevant departments have acquired the pre-data,analyzed the problem of network public opinionprediction based on big data technology,and applied the mixed algorithm of network public opinion prediction,big data public opinionprediction algorithm,and network public opinion life cycle model. It is of great practical significance to discover potential public opinioncrisis,to take proper measures scientifically and quickly,and to guide the correct development of events.

Keywords:big data;network public opinion;forecast methods;algorithm research;life cycle model



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