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基于iBeacon 及二维码技术的会议活动一体化管理系统的设计与实现
(河源职业技术学院 电子与信息工程学院,广东 河源 517000)

摘  要:本文针对各高校组织的会议活动采用人工签到方式存在的低效率、代签到、易出错等问题,提出了智慧校园会议活动一体化管理系统设计方案。该方案采用J2EE 轻量级微服务架构进行软件框架设计,实现了各种会议、活动的在线申请、审核、预报名、签到考勤、统计分析的全流程、一体化管理功能,其中基于iBeacon、动态二维码技术及微信实现了多种方式的签到考勤功能。应用结果表明,该系统大大提高了学校会议活动管理工作效率,并减少了师生签到时的排队时间,提升了师生智慧校园获得感。


中图分类号:TP311.1         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)14-0057-03

Design and Implementation of Integrated Conference Management System Based on iBeacon and Two-Dimensional Code Technology

LIAO Ning,HUANG Jinjie

(School of Electronic and Information Engineering,Heyuan Polytechnic,Heyuan 517000,China)

Abstract:Aiming at the problems of low efficiency,proxy check-in and error-prone when the conference activities organized by colleges and universities adopt manual check-in mode,this paper puts forward the design scheme of integrated management system for conference activities on intelligent campus. The scheme uses J2EE lightweight micro-service architecture to design the software framework,realizes the whole process and integrated management functions of online application,auditing,forecasting name,checkin attendance,statistical analysis of various meetings and activities,and realizes the check-in and attendance functions in various ways based on iBeacon,dynamic two-dimensional code technology and WeChat. The application results show that the system greatly improves the management efficiency of school conference activities,reduces the queuing time when teachers and students sign in,and improves the sense of acquisition of teachers and students’wisdom campus.

Keywords:intelligent campus;microservice architecture;iBeacon;two-dimensional code;WeChat;check-in attendance



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