摘 要:随着信息时代的到来,计算机网络技术和信息技术已经成为推动生产力发展的重要因素。面对新的形势,我们要制定科学的信息产业发展战略,创建系统完备的国家创新体系,掌握计算机网络前沿核心技术,完善知识产权保护制度,优化风投资金布局,进而推动我国计算机网络和信息产业持续健康发展。
中图分类号:TP393.0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)02-0122-02
Study on the Computer Network Technology and the Development Mode of Information Technology Industry
(Gansu Finance & Trade Vocational College,Lanzhou 730050,China)
Abstract:With the advent of the information age,the computer network technology and the information technology industry have become an important factor in promoting the development of productivity.Facing the new situation,the strategic development of the information industry we should formulate scientific and national innovation system to create a complete system,grasp the core of computer network technology,improve the intellectual property protection system,optimize the layout of venture capital,so as to promote China's computer network and information industry sustained and healthy development.
Keywords:computer network technology;information technology industry;technological innovation;intellectual property rights
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