摘 要:在利用大数据提升产业发展的背景下,打破行业数据壁垒、建设县域大数据平台是时代发展的需要。本文规划了县域大数据平台的系统架构,对各行业大数据进行融合与存储,建设三级数据管理平台,有利于提升公共服务能力,促进县域经济发展。
中图分类号:TP311.13 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)17-0086-03
Planning and Design of County Big Data Platform
——Take one County as an Example
LI Qin
(School of Computer Science,Leshan Normal University,Leshan 614000,China)
Abstract:Under the background of using big data to promote industrial development,breaking the data barrier and building county big data platform are the needs of the times. The system architecture of county big data platform is planned. Big data fusion and storage for various industries are carried out. Three-level data management platform is built to enhance public service capacity and promote county economic development.
Keywords:county big data platform;data fusion ;public service capacity
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