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基于Python 深度学习的人脸识别方法探究
(巢湖学院,安徽 巢湖 238000)

摘  要:近年来,伴随着人工智能的迅速发展,深度学习也掀起一股发展浪潮,在图像、语音、大数据特征提取等多个方面获得广泛的应用。伴随着人工智能、深度学习的发展浪潮,人脸识别这一项安全性较高的生物识别技术,已经成为了当今的研究热点,在如智能家居、军事安防等等众多领域中得到了广泛的应用。本文主要提出了两种基于深度学习在Python 语言实现人脸识别的方法。


中图分类号:TP391.41         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)17-0088-03

Face Recognition Methods Based on Deep Learning of Python

XU Haohao

(Chaohu University,Chaohu 238000,China)

Abstract:In recent years,with the rapid development of artificial intelligence,the deep learning has also gained a steam,which has been widely used in many aspects,such as image,voice,big data feature extraction,etc. With the development of artificial intelligence and deep learning,face recognition,a highly secure biometric technology,has become a prevalent research topic and has been widely used in many fields such as smart home,military security and so on. This paper mainly proposes two methods of face recognition based on deep learning in Python language.

Keywords:Python;face recognition;deep learning


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