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基于VR 技术的三维校园漫游系统的设计与实现——以广州工商学院为例
(广州工商学院,广东 广州 528138)

摘  要:基于VR 技术的三维校园漫游系统,是根据VR 技术的三大特征——沉浸感、交互性和构想性去设计实现的,其中使用到三维建模软件3DS MAX、功能实现软件Unity3D 5.5.3f 以及SteamVR 插件和VRTK 插件。本文主要实现漫游功能、UI 交互功能。借助于虚拟现实设备,能够做到足不出户就能观察到真实的虚拟校园。


中图分类号:TP391.41         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)19-0100-04

Design and Implementation of 3D Campus Roaming System Based on VR Technology

——Take Guangzhou College of Technology and Business as an Example

LI Man,CHEN Zhanpeng

(Guangzhou College of Technology and Business,Guangzhou 528138,China)

Abstract:The design and implementation of 3D campus roaming system based on VR technology is designed according to the three characteristics of VR technology-immersion,interactivity and conception,including 3D modeling software 3DS MAX,function realization software Unity 3D 5.5.3f,as well as the steam SteamVR plugin and the VRTK plugin. This topic mainly implements roaming functions and UI interaction functions. With the help of virtual reality devices,real virtual campuses can be observed without leaving home.

Keywords:campus roaming system;VR;Unity3D;C#

课题项目:2019 年广州工商学院院级科研项目:基于VR 技术的三维校园漫游系统的设计与实现——以广州工商学院为例(项目编号:KA201927)。


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