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(湖北汽车工业学院 电气与信息工程学院,湖北 十堰 442002)

摘  要:本文根据作者在工作实践中的体会,在简要回顾了大学计算机基础课的教学历程后,对课程教学进行了细致的分析,详细阐述了大学计算机基础课教学的意义,强调课程的继续开设存在客观现实的需要。在新的教学环境、条件和理念影响下,作者再次思考整个教学活动并有了新的认识,意识到课程的更新迫在眉睫并应该与时俱进,同时从四个方面探讨了采用先进的应对举措来组织和完善教学,教师只有静下心来扎实做基础教学和研究,才能向社会输出合格的人才。


中图分类号:TP3-4         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)20-0108-02

Discussion on Teaching and Research of Computer Basic Course in University

QIU Zixu

(School of Electrical and Information Engineering,Hubei University of Automotive Technology,Shiyan 442002,China)

Abstract:Based on the author’s experience in working practice,after a brief review of the course of basic computer courses in universities,this paper makes a detailed analysis of the course teaching,elaborates the significance of basic computer courses teaching in universities,and emphasizes the need of objective reality for the continuation of courses. Under the influence of the new teaching environment,conditions and concepts,the author rethinks the whole teaching activities and has a new understanding. The curriculum renewal is imminent and should keep pace with the times. At the same time,it discusses the use of advanced measures to organize and improve teaching from four aspects. Teachers can only export qualified talents to society by earnestly doing basic teaching and research.

Keywords:computer basic course teaching;computer course;MOOC


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作者简介:裘子煦(1966.02-),男,汉族,江苏无锡人,教 师,高级实验师,本科,研究方向:基础课教学和实验研究。