摘 要:在艺术领域崛起的时代,广告艺术的创作也开始由平面类向动画类、影视类转变。广告的目的就是通过视觉、听觉、触觉等方式引起消费者的注意,使其产生消费行为,而要想达到这一目的,设计人员就必须把握好动画广告设计制作要领。本文就动画广告制作的技巧作了相关分析。
中图分类号:TP317.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)20-0105-03
Analysis on the Skills of Animation Advertising Design and Production
ZHANG Xuanbo
(Media Convergence Center of Xiuyan Manchu Autonomous County,Anshan 114300,China)
Abstract:In the era of the rise of art,the creation of advertising art has also begun to change from plane to animation and film. The purpose of advertising is to attract consumers’attention through visual,auditory,tactile and other means,so that they can pay for consumption behavior. To achieve this goal,designers must grasp the essentials of animation advertising design and production. This article makes a relevant analysis of the skills of animation advertising production.
Keywords:animation advertising;production skills;creative design
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