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计算机技术2018 年3 期

基于LVS 的数据库集群负载均衡性能测试与分析
(宁夏职业技术学院,宁夏 银川 750004)

摘  要:随着数据库技术的不断发展,在各行各业中数据库都得到了应用,但当下的技术难以满足人们对数据精准度的要求。在当今的企业集群中,Linux 虚拟服务器(LVS)作为一种负载均衡技术,已经得到了广泛的应用,但由于现实条件的约束,Linux 虚拟服务器仅仅对Web 服务器集群负载均衡性能展开了研究,忽视了Linux 虚拟服务器在特定的情况下,可以实现与数据库集群的对接,本文基于当前的研究现状,以负载均衡算法的数据库集群为对象,运用HPLoadRunner 来对其进行负载均衡性能的实验,构建Linux 虚拟服务器下数据库集群负载性能测试的具体方案。

关键词:Linux 虚拟服务器;数据库集群;负载均衡;性能测试分析

中图分类号:TP311.13         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)03-0075-03

Load balancing Performance Test and Analysis of Database Cluster Based on LVS
ZHANG Xuhong
(Ningxia Polytechnic,Yinchuan 750004,China)

Abstract:With the continuous development of database technology,database have been applied in all walks of life,but the technology is difficult to meet the requirements of the data precision,in today's enterprise cluster,the Linux virtual server(LVS)as a load balancing technology,has been widely used,but due to the real conditions of constraint,the Linux virtual server only on the properties of the Web server cluster load balancing for research,Ignored the Linux virtual server in certain cases,to achieve dockingwith the database cluster,this article is based on the current research status,to load balance algorithm for object,database cluster use HP LoadRunner to carry on the experiment,the performance of load balancing built under the Linux virtual server database cluster load,performance testing.

Keywords:Linux virtual server;database cluster;load balancing;performance test analysis


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