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(成都师范学院,四川 成都 611130)

摘  要:计算机教育在当前面临着更高的要求,为了使计算机教育可以取得理想效果,除了要求教师不断提升自身教学能力,从教学技术手段入手,进行创新优化同样极为必要,云计算的应用就是比较重要的手段。本文首先介绍了计算机教学中云计算的应用优势,然后又分析了当前计算机教学中存在的缺陷和不足,最后探讨了如何将云计算有效融入和应用到计算机教学中,希望具备参考借鉴作用。


中图分类号:TP3-4;G712         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)22-0102-03

Application of Cloud Computing in Computer Teaching

LI Zhuo

(Chengdu Normal University,Chengdu 611130,China)

Abstract:Computer education is facing higher requirements at present. In order to better promote the ideal effect of computer education,in addition to requiring teachers to constantly improve their teaching ability,it is also extremely necessary to innovate and optimize from the teaching technology means. The application of cloud computing is an important means. This paper first introduces the application advantages of cloud computing in computer teaching,then analyses the defects and deficiencies of current computer teaching,and finally discusses how to effectively integrate and apply cloud computing into computer teaching,hoping to have a reference role.

Keywords:computer teaching;cloud computing;teaching system


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