摘 要:随着人事制度改革的不断深化,人事考试机构服务的考试种类越来越多。通过对目前现有的资格考试、公务员考试和事业单位招聘考试进行深入研究发现,各类人事考试的功能需求基本相同,但是由于各类人事考试服务对象不同,在组织流程、科目设置、报名信息等各方面存在一定差异,就每类或每个考试开发管理信息系统难以满足实际工作需要的问题,从某类考试管理系统改造去适应新的考试需要常常会削足适履,因此,需要从整体上思考如何设计通用管理信息系统实现各类人事考试信息化管理的问题。
中图分类号:TP311.52 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)23-0085-03
Analysis on the Design of General Personnel Examination Management Information System
WANG Qingyan
(Shanxi Personnel Examination Center,Taiyuan 030006,China)
Abstract:The deepening reform of personnel system enables the personnel examination organization to serve more and more kinds of examinations. Through in-depth study of the existing qualification examination,civil service examination and public institution recruitment examination,we found that all these personnel examinations share similar functional requirements. However,due to different service objects of various personnel examinations,there are certain differences in the organizational process,subject setting,registration information and other aspects. It is impractical to meet actual work needs by developing or reforming a certain type of management information system,so we need to think from the whole about how to design the general management information system in order to realize the informatization management of all kinds of personnel examinations.
Keywords:personnel examination;examination management;informatization;general system
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