摘 要:人尽其用是教育改革的最终目的。教育必须改革,要想做好教改,应坚持工学一体化教学。本文针对计算机网络技术课程教学改革实践展开详细阐述,旨在为课程教学改革提供参考意见,以此来提高课程教学质量,让学生掌握技能,为将来就业奠定基础。
中图分类号:TP393;G420 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)23-0088-03
Practical Exploration of Teaching Reform of Computer Network Technology Course in Technical Colleges
KANG Zhihui
(Fujian Hongyuan Technical School,Xiamen 361116,China)
Abstract:The ultimate goal of educational reform is to make the best use of people. Education must be reformed,if we want to do a good job in teaching reform,we should adhere to the integration of work and study. This paper expounds the practice of teaching reform of computer network technology course in detail,aiming to provide reference opinions for teaching reform of the course,so as to improve the teaching quality of the course,enable students to master skills,and lay a foundation for future employment.
Keywords:technical college;computer network technology;practical training activities
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