摘 要:该“汉语拼音”专题网站以Dreamweaver 8 为开发平台,结合JSP 技术,实现的主要功能包括网站主页、家长导读、声母、韵母、整体认读音节、活学活用、游戏天地以及留言簿等。其中,声母、韵母、整体认读音节和活学活用页面为该网站的主要学习内容;游戏天地可以帮助儿童更好地了解和学习汉语;家长导读帮助家长了解本网站知识结构和浏览注意事项;留言簿为家长和孩子提供了一个交流平台。该网站布局合理,交互灵活,页面形象生动,给学生一种身临其境的美好体验。
中图分类号:TP393.0;G434 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)01-0071-03
Design and Development of Special Website of “Chinese Pinyin”
ZUO Siqi,ZHAO Fuqun
(School of Information,Xi’an University of Finance and Economics,Xi’an 710100 China)
Abstract:Based on Dreamweaver 8 and JSP technology,the main functions of the website include homepage,parents’guide,initials,vowels,overall syllable recognition,flexible learning,game world and guestbook. Among them,initials,vowels,whole syllables and flexible pages are the main learning contents of the website;the game world can help children better understand and learn Chinese;parents’guide reading helps parents understand the knowledge structure and browsing precautions of the website;the guestbook provides a communication platform for parents and children. The website has reasonable layout,flexible interaction,vivid page image,and gives students a kind of experience.
Keywords:Chinese Pinyin;special website;initial;vowel;overall syllable recognition
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